What Are the Biggest Black History Moments

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The Black struggle is full of moments of success, failure, and achievements. To this date, the struggle continues. It includes all areas of life, including jobs, politics, and business. Today, we will take a look at some of the key events of Black history. So join us as we learn more about how these moments changed the course of history. 

The Creation of Historically Black Colleges and Universities – HBCUs

During times of slavery, the Black community never got the chance to study or get an education. They didn’t allow them to read or write, as schooling would lead to eventual freedom. Despite the restraints, some of them took the risk and learned to read and write. Even after the Civil War, white colleges and universities didn’t allow Blacks to attend their programs. This led to the creation of HBCUs to provide Blacks with a proper higher education. This was a form of Black revolution on campus that changed Black history. Thus, Lincoln University (1854) was the first HBCU. 

Since 1854, HBCUs have been important in fostering Black culture. They also gave Blacks a platform to express themselves and connect with others. Today, there are approximately 107 HBCUs all over the U.S., with Howard University ranking as the top HBCU. It is also the place awarding three-fourths of Blacks with medicine and dentistry degrees. Another HBCU that contributed to this education was the Meharry Medical School. These schools still provide degrees to up to 20% of the Black community. These HBCU graduates include Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Kamala Harris, Oprah, W. E. B. Dubois, and Spike Lee, to name a few. Thus making the creation of HBCUs an important part of the history of Black education. 

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Passing of the Voting Rights Act 1965

In the beginning, the 14th Amendment of 1868 gave Blacks citizenship rights. But it didn’t provide them with the voting rights. A year later, the 15th Amendment granted voting rights. It said that no one could deprive anyone of the right to vote, regardless of race and color. Despite this law, many states didn’t allow the Blacks to vote. They found different ways to steal their right to vote. However, things changed when the State passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965. It didn’t allow applying poll taxes, the use of literacy tests, or intimidation to prevent Blacks from voting. Since the passing of this act, the overall turnout has increased.

Despite the efforts, many Americans still oppose the Voting Rights Act. Recently, 19 states have passed laws to try to reduce voter turnout. In 2021, 49 states passed a total of 400 bills that would reduce access to voting. This open opposition undermines the foundations on which the law of the U.S. stands. It also shows the continued struggle for basic rights and identity for Blacks. Thus, making the Black struggle a never-ending fight for the community. 

The Great Migration of the South: 1916-1970

The Great Migration from the South is one of the major events in Black history. Over 54 years, more than 6 million Blacks migrated from the South to other parts. Including the North, Midwest, and West. The main reason for this migration was fewer opportunities in the South. Moreover, there were many racist laws and bad economic conditions in the South. This migration gave them the opportunity to work as industrial laborers for the First World War. Nearly one million Blacks left the South within the first three years of the migration. They traveled mainly by buses, boats, or trains. During the 1920s, the population of Blacks up North grew a lot. They got jobs as workers in factories, slaughterhouses, and foundries. 

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Blacks faced segregation and racism despite it being illegal. There were laws and racism that prevented Blacks from buying houses in certain parts of the city. This led to them making separate enclaves in which to live. One such example is Harlem. It was an all-white community but had nearly 200,000 Blacks by the 1920s. In the following years of the 1930s, the Great Depression slowed down this movement. But it picked up pace once again after it up until World War II. In 1970, this migration ended, leaving only half of the Black population in the South. This also helped the Blacks free from area-wise segregation. Thus giving them better working opportunities. 

The Development of The Black Manifesto

In 1969, there was a National Black Economic Development Conference, which later led to the Black Manifesto. In April 1969, more than 500 Black people in power got together in Detroit, Michigan. They aimed to discuss Black people’s standing in the U.S. and to build such ways that would help them grow. On Saturday, the 26th of April, James Forman presented the Black Manifesto. James was one of the leading members of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. This committee began as a result of the sit-ins against separate lunch counters. The manifesto aimed to demand the rights of the Blacks. Moreover, it demanded that the American system make amends for the injustices. 

Foreman demanded that the U.S. will distribute $500 million to the Black community. This was to make up for all the injustices and slavery in the past. Moreover, he made it clear that this wasn’t a charity or donation. But it was for all the years of unfair treatment. The Black Manifesto led to “reparations” becoming a common word. The main goal was not to gain help from the whites. But it was rather a fine for all the years of injustice. Although, America never made reparations for the injustice. However, many people still discuss and study this concept. 

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Ending Notes

Black history is full of stories of struggle and injustices. But these key events show how the Blacks fought against all odds to make their place in a racist community. Events like the Voting Rights Act and the Black Manifesto make up an important part of Black history facts. Today, we have many revolutionary Black leaders, businessmen, politicians, and writers. So, their journey inspires all of us today.

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